Circular Thinking
Blue Marble Refill cares deeply about the balance within and respect for our collective home - planet Earth. Browse our catalogue to explore a more sustainable way of living.

After familiarising yourself with our online catalogue, feel free to pay us a visit in-store. We love seeing new faces and sparking new conversations! Our environmental shop is based in Carmarthen/ Caerfyrddin, Wales.
Unlock your journey to an alternative food shopping experience that puts our planet first.
We are a tiny, independent business that was established in 2023 out of the desire to keep plastic-free shopping available to the Carmarthen/ Caerfyrddin community. We host monthly sustainability meet-ups on the last Thursday of each month and carry out regular litter picks.
'Blue Marble' was inspired by the first photograph taken of Earth from space. We hope that by visiting Blue Marble Refill, people view our collective home in its entirety. In doing this, we respect it much more and can hope for a future.